
Warhammer 2 unit stats
Warhammer 2 unit stats

warhammer 2 unit stats

Likewise if you compare skeletons to Orks Boyz That means you crypt Ghouls will have roughly 5 times the damage output as the crypt horrors. Instead of 12 units each doing 73 damage with a hit chance of 34 you have 120 units each doing 40 damage with a hit chance of 34. Unless you look at the stays a little harder. They look big and scary clearly the better choice. The Horrors have 1/10th the units same meele attack about 11times more hp and about double the damage. Lets compare through crypt Ghouls vs horrors. I was watching some of the game replays and I started wondering about unit size vs their stats.

  • 2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia.
  • warhammer 2 unit stats

    844 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.

    Warhammer 2 unit stats